Thursday, July 29, 2010

Avoiding Defective Dating

To quote from the book "I Kissed Dating Goodbye", [the title is not as it seems/sounds]

"The first step is to change your attitude toward relationships... Until we renew our ways of thinking about love and relationships, our lifestyles will continue to flounder in the mire of defective dating."

Here the author gives five important "new attitudes" that "flow from our view of three areas: love, purity, and singleness".
  1. Every relationship is an opportunity to model Christ's love.

  2. My unmarried years are a gift from God.

  3. I don't need to pursue a romantic relationship before I'm ready for marriage.

  4. I cannot "own" someone outside marriage. (dili imung uyab ang magbuot nimu)

  5. I will avoid situations that could compromise the purity of my body or mind.

"Choosing to quit the dating game doesn't mean rejecting friendship with the opposite sex, companionship, romance, or marriage. We can still pursue these things; we just choose to pursue them on God's terms and in His time.... 'seek first His kingdom and His righteousness' (Matthew 6:33).

"Leaving dating behind is a by-product of God's primary desire for us to consume ourselves with seeking him wholeheartedly."

There is a right time for everything. But "the right thing at the wrong time is a wrong thing".

The right question to ask is "Has God given me His [or the] best?", but "Am I giving God my best?". "You and I will never experience God's best--in singleness or in marriage--until we give God our all.

So have you given God your all? Do you prioritize living the way God wants you to live, and not living the way you want to live? Give Him your all. Please Him. Honor Him for the right reasons, and He will honor and reward you.

Defective Dating

To quote from "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" book [the title of the book isn't as it looks/sounds],

"If we continue to date according to the system as it exists today, we'll more than likely swerve in to trouble. Good intentions aren't enough....many...couples today...founded their relationship on our cultures's defective attitude and patterns for romance. Unfortunately, even in their adulthood they continue o reap the consequences.

According to the book, the following seven habits of highly defective dating are some of the "swerves" dating relationships often make:

  1. Dating tends to skip the friendship stage of a relationship.

  2. Dating often mistakes a physical relationship for love.

  3. Dating often isolates a couple from other vital relationships.

  4. Dating can distract young adults from their primary responsibility of preparing for the future, like developing their God-given abilities and skills.

  5. Dating can cause discontentment with God's gift of singleness.

  6. Dating can create and artificial environment for evaluating another person's character.

  7. Dating often becomes and end in itself (no marriage in mind or planned).

Dating is supposed to be the bridge between friendship and marriage, the author says. The couple need to move on. The bridge isn't a destination. It's the road to the destination--marriage. The couple must start with friendship and pass through dating to get to marriage.

Men, if you don't plan to marry your partner, what are you dating for? Are you using her to satisfy your wants and/or needs? Or are you a COWARD!!

Women, if your partner doesn't intend to marry you, BUWAGA INTAWN!!! He's either being selfish or a coward. He might be using you to satisfy his desire, or he might be timid and scared, and has no plan to marry you. Why date him...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Who can be saved? How?

Speaking to unbelievers (those who aren't true Christians), anyone can be saved. But only a few are and will be saved. In fact, majority of the world, of the Philippines, of Cebu, will be damned to Hell forever.

How can you get to Heaven? The Bible says you have to "repent and believe" (Mark 1:15). You got to keep repenting of your sins and keep trusting on God everyday, every hour, every minute, every second of you life. But you can't do these by yourself. You have to pray that God will give you the grace and the strength to persevere in these things.

This is not JUST an invitation. It's not JUST a "make-a-decision" thing. This is a COMMAND. Repent of your sins, and believe in the Gospel. If you don't, you know you'll be damned for Hell and eternal torment.

You cannot save yourself, you know. So "let God and let go". Stop trying to save yourself by your good deeds/works, by living an honorable life. Turn to God instead in true repentance and true faith. You have hope as long as you're alive.

Hope and pray this post helps. ;-)